While every SNL member went back to losing weight, Aiden Bryant decided to do the unusual and maintained her weight. However, when thoughts of potential health risks began to come in, Aiden had no choice but to change her decision. Willing to improve her health, the actress decided to spend her investment money and embark on a weight loss program. She started by dieting, which was not too strict, and did moderate exercises.

Eventually, she lost 15 pounds of weight and gained back her curvy and sexy physique. People may recognize this beautiful actress in movies which she appeared in like Amy Schumer’s I Feel Pretty and more. Aiden might have the height, but still, she decided to go with a more pleasant figure and better health. Besides, she has Connor O’Mally, her husband, who is ever supportive of her journey. We don’t know about you, but we couldn’t be happier with Aiden’s transformation.
