Following the show, Glee, Ashley Fink gained enormous weight that shot up her size to 300 pounds. Being prone to diseases associated with weight gain, Ashley Fink picked up interest in working out. After a strict diet and intense workout routine, the actress was able to drop 80 pounds. It sure was not easy, but Ashley made it with some degree of hard work and consistency. The main reason for her tremendous weight loss has a lot to do with her lifestyle change.

She made a switch to a low-calorie diet and an intense cardio workout routine. Even in her days at Glee, Ashley became an inspiration through her character. She portrayed an unapologetic high school student who has a strong personality. Despite being bullied at her school, she refuses to play the victim. Just like Ashley, her character always fought back. Thanks to her performance, girls who are not skinny can see a representation of themselves on screen.
