If you’re familiar with the film, Remember The Titans, then you might know Ethan Suplee. After battling excess weight gain for such a long time, Ethan began feeling uncomfortable and decided to take action. He refused to undergo surgery and stuck to a healthy diet and regular workouts. Ethan also revealed that he would usually plan out his food “pretty diligently.” Because of this, the actor would often prepare his meals one or even two days in advance.

According to Ethan, this helped him stay on track with his diet. He had to make sure that his meal would be composed of protein, as most of his calorie intake went to protein. The remaining calories he had to take got divided into carbohydrates and fat, but mostly carbohydrates. He is a true inspiration and beacon of hope for all those struggling to get fit. Credit to Ethan’s hard work and consistency, because if not for that, he would not lose 200lbs. Now he looks quite different from when he made an appearance in My Name Is Earl.
