Christina Aguilera was the epitome of Hollywood’s finest gold until she became pregnant. Her lovely son’s birth brought an enormous weight increase of about 200lbs. However, Christina was determined to lose weight and started adopting a regular exercise routine, offline and online classes for yoga, and a strict diet. She had her meals prepared for her by using a meal delivery service called The Fresh Diet.

Christina was only eating low-carb meals at the time, which was only 1,600 calories a day. She also made sure that she would eat breakfast, which was the most important meal of the day. It would usually be a combination of protein and good fats, like avocado, turkey bacon, and blueberries. For lunch and dinner, she would have salad, vegetables, and chicken or fish. Right now, we can all begin to smile again as she has lost quite a lot. It’s good to finally see her be confident after being criticized for some time.
