Holly Valance, the Australian actress, is well known for her charismatic acting skills, but that was not all she was known for by her fans. She was also a good singer and a model. In the beginning, Holly didn’t think of going on a weight loss program or online classes until she saw a picture that she took from Verizon dinner with her then-fiancé. With the help of a personal trainer, she was able to drop 20 pounds.

According to reports, Holly has been careful with her eating habits. She trimmed down her excess weight just in time for her wedding by following the Clean & Lean diet. The actress focused on eating clean and whole food and avoided processed or artificial food. Besides that, Holly followed the diet for months and only ate quinoa, lamb cutlets, chicken skewers, and courgette. She also admitted to having a weekly cheat meal to satisfy her cravings.
