I guess it’s safe to assume that everyone knows Drew Barrymore by now. However, very few people understand that Drew’s role in Netflix’s Santa Clarita Diet made her shed about 20 pounds. Of course, the credit goes to her to work out regularly and adopt a customized model of Kimberly Snyder’s diet. At a young age, Drew Barrymore already achieved fame for her role in 1982 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. In the ’90s, she has starred in a string of commercially successful films such as The Wedding Singer, Ever After, Scream, Mad Love, Boys on the Side, and Poison Ivy.

Into the 2000s, she still had the spark in her with 50 First Dates and Blended. Of course, who could forget her remarkable performance alongside Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu, Charlie’s Angels, and then again in Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle. She and Hugh Grant also had their spin of romantic comedy together in Music and Lyrics, which quickly became a commercial success and received positive reviews.
