After Raven Symone’s first appearance in a comedy show titled The Cosby Show, the young actress gained some ground and popularity. A few years later, like revisiting your credit card processing procedure one more time, she observed that her shape was starting to look funny and ventured on a diet plan that allowed her to eat six small meals daily. She also participated in a cardio exercise to improve her condition. A total of 70 pounds got shed off from Raven’s weight, and we think that’s a great start!

Raven-Symone was a critically acclaimed child star in the ’90s but still made waves on Disney Channel as a teenager in her TV sitcom That’s So Raven. Even until 2017, for her reprised role as Raven Baxter on Raven’s Home, she’s still been catching a lot of attention for her comedic acting performance. Like her fitness routine, Raven’s career remains active up until today. She may not be as visible as she was back then, but she’s still carving her name in the industry.
