Amber Portwood’s path to weight loss was that of sheer determination and persistence. Amber was ready to make such a sacrifice to have a better life. She started her weight loss journey in 2015 by adopting strict dieting and routine exercise. Eventually, Amber lost a remarkable 36 pounds, bringing her weight down to 135 pounds from 171 pounds. To perfect the whole weight loss thing, Portwood decided to go for surgery.

Following the successful procedure, Portwood dazzled the industry and is now more beautiful and sexier than ever before. As netizens would put it, the more weight a celebrity loses, the more successful and impressive they become. However, most of the time, it is not about how much weight one can shed, but how they maintain their bodies. Yes, it takes a lot of work to cut fats, but it takes more effort to stay in shape. With that said, I guess we can all give Amber credit for putting in the work for a healthier body.
