Kevin Durant – $12.05, Malibu


Wealthy athletes are known for their lavish spending, and Kevin Durant is no exception to that fact. Just to give you an idea, one of the exclusive properties in his investment portfolio would be his Malibu oceanfront mansion that he acquired earlier this year. Now, if you are wondering about the price tag, be prepared to be blown away since he dropped in a very expensive amount of $12.05 million.


The property is situated in a private gated neighborhood for that added layer of security and privacy. On top of that, the mansion is filled with beautiful balconies that offer a fantastic view of the surrounding area. The open-plan living area seems to be a perfect fit for the basketball phenom since it would provide plenty of room to wiggle with if he wants to tweak something in his house. The property was built in 1976 but has been renovated since then. For sure, house insurance has skyrocketed over the years!
