Alexis Arquette will always be remembered as an icon and a hero to the LGBTQ+ community. From a young age, she was already a performer and got her biggest break in Last Exit to Brooklyn where she portrayed Georgette way back in 1989. The actress was one of the earliest stars to come out publicly with her gender transition. Arquette, who comes from a family of actors, actively played a role in promoting LGBTQ+ rights and continued supporting others in the community.

To her credit, Arquette was a woman of many talents—she was an actress, cabaret performer, and a cartoonist as well. Sadly, Arquette’s journey ended quite early when she passed away in 2016 due to a cardiac arrest caused by her HIV infection. Even with her passing, many still remember her name, most especially her family members. In fact, her sister recently paid a tribute to honor her.
