It came as a shock when American actor Nick Lashaway, best known for his role in the HBO series Girls, was involved in a fatal car accident last 2016 at the young age of 28. The actor was accompanied by some of his friends, Daniel and Angel, who were lucky to sustain only injuries. Upon the news of his untimely demise, various tributes were made in memory of the young actor.
Girls creator and showrunner Lena Dunham took it upon herself to share some of her favorite memories with Lashaway during the show, remarking that he was a kind and talented person and that she was lucky enough to get the opportunity to have him as part of the cast.
The actor had a successful career outside of the show, appearing in other projects such as The X-Files, The Office, and the film In Time alongside actor Justin Timberlake. What happened to him serves as a warning to anyone driving a vehicle to always take necessary precautions when putting their foot on the gas, because you never know about the unexpected accidents that might occur.