Stevie Ryan

Stevie Kathleen Ryan was an American YouTube personality, actress, and comedian who was renowned for her videos on YouTube. Ryan was born in Riverside, California, on June 2, 1984. Her parents owned a trucking business, but Ryan’s heart was elsewhere. Ryan moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the film industry at the age of 19. She booked numerous commercial ventures between 2006 and 2007, while also recording, editing, and acting in videos that she posted online.

Her online presence turned out to be a wise investment as it proved to be a stepping stone for her career. In 2010, Ryan worked on the sketch comedy show Stevie TV, which parodied popular characters and trends in pop culture, with New Wave Entertainment. VH1 picked up the show. After the second season, Stevie TV was discontinued. Ryan was 33 years old when she passed.
