All-round entertainer Jennifer Ellison is famous for her role in the British melodrama “Brookside” and the adaptation of the Hollywood opera “Phantom”, but she was also a pop star in the mid-2000s. She started to learn dance at the age of three. He trained at several theater art schools and then played Amy on Thorpe Brookside on Channel 4 in 1998. In the same year, she started her popular career by translating the cover version of Vamp’s “Baby I Don’t Care” and finished sixth.

Since then, she has focused on acting, playing the role of Meg Gilly in “The Phantom of the Opera” in 2004. Jennifer Ellison is yet another celebrity who seemed to have had great difficulty in achieving a healthy weight. After much struggle, she decided to go for a strict dieting program called the 800-calories-per-day Cambridge Diet, and it paid off. You can say her case was like someone who took a student loan and was able to pay back entirely after graduation.
