Anthony Anderson is one of the fastest-growing African-American comedians of the early 2000s. In 2000, he played a role in the famous films “Big Mama” and “Me and Me, Me and Irene”. fame. Following in the footsteps of other modern comedians like Bernie Mac, he created a comedy scene based on his life and experience. His television series “All About Andersen” (2003) takes advantage of his family relationships. Anderson’s familiar and witty image and strong comedy sensation inherent in family relationships have made him a familiar face to casual movie enthusiasts.

Anthony Anderson was never willing to change his foodie attitude not until he was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. And like a building that needs proper roofing, he then realized that his health requires urgent attention. His weight loss schedule was not different from most other celebrities, the typical healthy diet combined with regular exercise. He was able to lose about 47 pounds of weight through this and his now looking healthier than he has ever looked.
