A Nightmare on Elm Street was a fan favorite, but this was mainly due to the excellent performance delivered by Robert Englund as its villain Freddy Krueger. He did such a fantastic job with the role that when a reboot of the movie was made in 2010 and featured Jackie Haley to play his iconic role, most fans of the franchise didn’t take it so well. No one could match Englund’s greatness.

Englund turns to be a fan favorite for horror movies as he has also starred in major horror films, such as The Last Showing and Fear Clinic. He currently has not invested in retirement. Hopefully, he has some insurance plan on the ground. Despite his villainous and scary roles, Englund was friendly and excellent according to his co-workers, and he doesn’t let his fans down. He voiced superhero villains in cartoons like The Riddler in the 2004-2005 animated TV series The Batman.
