Candace Cameron’s rise to stardom started when she appeared in the popular TV show Full House. Despite experiencing fame, Candace didn’t get spared from the struggles of gaining weight. To lose extra pounds, Candace adopted a strict diet plan and left out any exercise plans. Surprisingly enough, it yielded great results for her. After shedding some pounds, the famous actress looks healthier and in better shape. She also seems to be happier and more energetic to a greater degree.

The actress also said that she loved getting older as she began to appreciate her body more. Now, she believed she was in the best shape of her life and liked seeing what she could still do. She is grateful for the body she has, and so Candace continuously cares for it by watching the food she eats, exercising, and getting adequate rest. Candace is undoubtedly setting a great example of how we should care for our bodies, so following her tips might be a good idea.
