Kate Hudson – $5.3 Million,Pacific Palisades

Expansion might be one of the most overlooked investments one can make for their properties, but it certainly didn’t slip Kate Hudson’s watchful eyes. In fact, she bought a house in the Pacific Palisades right next to the estate she currently stays in. The Hollywood actress paid a considerable sum of money just to acquire the nearby land – no biggie, it’s just about $5.3 million!

Her new posh building features a personal spa, which is a perfect amenity if the actress is looking for a relaxing time after a long day’s work. The property also adds five extra bedrooms to the main complex as well as six bathrooms with a spacious pool. Admittedly, we are not sure if the new elegant building is supposed to be a guest house or if the actress would leave her old place in favor of the new. In any case, Kate can freely choose without financial consequences as her real estate investments are numerous.
