Whenever a film or TV show is made, it often requires a team of people to work together. Most of the time, this unit is usually composed of a director, writer, and actors. We forget, however, that there’s also another member that’s just as important: the producers. Through the years, many celebrities have gone out of their way to make investments in a project by becoming its producer. One such figure is the now-former producer and co-founder of the Miramax company, Harvey Weinstein.

In 2014, Weinstein brought himself a real estate property in New York. However, after he and his career found themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place, Harvey had to bring the house back on the market. Initially, it was up for a 13.6-million-dollar asking price in 2016. After not attracting any potential buyers in months, the property’s cost was reduced to $12.4 million. Well, here’s to hoping someone will be interested in this abode and its home theater, children’s playroom, gym, and other amenities.
