Britney Spears was the driving force behind the return of juvenile pop music in the late 1990s, something no other single singer has. The great success of Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys undoubtedly paved the way for her own business breakthrough, but Spears has not only become a star, but also a real popular phenomenon. Among the female singers of that era, her star superstar strength was only comparable to Jennifer Lopez. Martin meticulously produced contemporary dance pop music and sentimental ballads, and became a star of Backstreet Boys.

Britney Spears is one of those celebrities who battled with weight loss. At one time, she had tremendous weight gain due to emotional disturbance and depression. Later on, she began to notice her increased weight gain and decided to go for a weight loss program. This really paid off though, as she now has her once envied sexy physique and peace of mind like taking online classes to secure a degree. The flexibility of such programs offer is impressive.
